Upper Division Winner

Kalla Harris (Big Island)

I learned I have a passion for cooking with local ingredients, and I can’t wait to try all of the other contest recipes! Everyone did such a great job!

View recipes and videos from all winners here.
Lower Division Winner

Tina Sumtsova (Big Island)

I learned how to organize the ideas, and make presentation type projects. Really thankful for the opportunity.

View recipes and videos from all winners here.
Upper Division Runner Up

Cara Egami (O’ahu)

I really enjoyed filming and getting to see and explain my process in another point of view.

View recipes and videos from all winners here.
Lower Division Runner Up

Ezekiel Lani (Moloka’i)

I learned that I can make meals that are locally sourced. It was fun, but it was hard work to edit my video!

View recipes and videos from all winners here.